Böda Beach, Öland

Wednesday 7 August 2019
Böda beach

   A bathing day after long cycling-------

Beach's passage

Beach passage in Bryxelkrok

one way trip: Bryxelkrok-Long Erik-Böda-Bryxelkrok

Cycling day--20km

Öland has its personalities, our fist time trip to öland. Flat island with special nature, some stones and sandy beaches. we did cycling to the top of the island with a famous lighthouse called Long Erik. It takes us 30 minutes from Bryxelkrok harbour from we docking the boat. 
Not only to Long Erik, but our goal is also to cycling to the side of long Erik with another popular destination in Öland, Böda beach....yeap it's a long ride but it's fun.
As we cycling along the road full with wildflowers and I not seen so man butterflies since I moved to Sweden as in Öland. 

From another island to the Öland

Earl bird sailing toward Öland from Västervik

Has been a bless weather we have so far, there are some rain and windy. I call it a balance, nature needs the balance sometimes. This year we made a stop at Jacob's family once more, the second year in the row.  perhaps would be a tradition.
I love our trip sailing to Öland, we had a smooth sailing to that island and quite challenging docking, as we arrived in the windy afternoon. Nature and the atmosphere in Öland pretty and calm.